Nominations for Election to the Council for 2014.
The following opportunities will arise for nomination for election to the Council for 2014.
1) Chairperson (1)
Ten years membership as a voting member required.
Three proposers and three seconders required.
2) Honorary Secretary (1)
Seven years membership as a voting member required.
3) Honorary Treasurer (1)
Seven years membership as a voting member required.
4) Executive Council Member (3)
Five years membership as a voting member required.
Council requests that suitably qualified members put themselves forward for these positions.
Nominations are required to be posted on the notice board at least seven days prior to our AGM on Monday 9th Dec. 2013.
Nomination forms may obtained from the office and the bar and contain the relevant details. Candidates must sign their acceptance of a nomination on the relevant form.
Additional information (if required) may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary.
Signed. _____________________ Ciaran Mulhall, Chairman.
Signed. _____________________ George Reid, Hon. Secretary.