We had 22 player on the 4th of Sept. our final night and the best of the year.
1st—Philip Hyland with a great score of 23 pts off 3 handicap
2nd–Colm Carton——- 22 pts
3rd–Michael O’Hanlon–21pts
4th–Gerry Guinan——- 20pts
Gross–Gerry Barry —–14 pts
After a recount the winner of the golfer of the year was John Costelloe——145 pts
Martin Cleary was a close 2nd with 143 points
Tom Rickard was third with 125 pts but he only played in 6 competitions
There were some “pickieouts” and a round of drinks for those who were present.
The Captain thanked the convenors for continuing with this traditional competition and hoped that it would go from strength to strength. He stressed the importance of giving the members an opportunity to play from the white tees.
It is hoped that a meeting with the incoming Captain will be arranged later in the year to plan for 2013.
Liam Cahill