The Social Butterfly took a rest over the Christmas period and the New Year welcomed all the members for “The Captains’ Drive In” which took place on Saturday 10th January 2015. The weather was dry with strong winds for the 9 hole shot gun start. At 2 pm Lady Captain Mary and Captain Joe did us proud with their super tee golf shots. A beautiful buffet was very well organised by our new caterers Peter Opperman for the Captains, their familes, friends and members of Howth Golf Club. Our caterers came in specifically to do this function as they did not commence full catering until 23rd February 2015. There are lovely photos and a more detailed report of the “Captains’ drive in” in another section of the Tee Times.
There is plenty of social activity taking place in the Club such as Snooker, Bowling and the monthly Music Circle Evenings. Snooker takes place as and when you like it and bowling every Friday evening. The Music Circle evenings take place on the second Wednesday of the month from October to March. The first Music Circle evening for 2015 was presented by our new Captains Mary and Joe and a most enjoyable evening was had by all who attended and they were spoilt with the lovely addition of beautiful canapés and a glass of wine.
On the 11th February Des Gilroy presented a wonderful selection of music for his evening. Not only was Des’s music enjoyable but his anecdotes and newsy items with each piece of music made us all feel (the mature teenagers!!!) that we were listening to Radio Eireann with the late Tommy O’Brien. Congratulations Des on a wonderful evening. The next Music Circle Evening is being presented by Mary Murphy on Wednesday 11th March.
The House Committee, under the baton of Deirdre McSwiney, are in touch with our new caterers Oppermans who will be fully operational from 23rd February. It has been heard through the grapevine that they are proposing to arrange some themed event evenings and cookery demonstrations as well as presenting meals and snacks to the Members. A superb buffet lunch was enjoyed by the Winter League Ladies recently at a very competitive cost.
To maintain the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of the Club it is important that all the members support our new caterers by using the Club for events, i.e. dinners and lunches and give them a warm Howth Golf Club welcome.
A quiz under the baton of our very own Tony Brady will take place in the Club on Sunday 22nd March at a cost of €40 for a team. All monies from this event will be for the benefit to The Parkinsons’ Associations. Tony is expecting a good turnout to support this very worthwhile cause. Raffle prizes would also be most welcome.
Please WATCH THIS SPACE as a presentation on Growing Old Gracefully is in the pipeline – details to follow.
In conclusion the Social Butterfly would welcome any news or gossip items for this column.