43 competitors turned out to enjoy mid-summer weather on the autumn equinox and scoring matched the delightful conditions. The course is recovering quickly from the autumn work and looks terrific – and in the rough, terrifying!
It is a fright to realise that we have only one Mondaynighters remaining before we bring our season to conclusion on our Final Day, Sat. 4 Oct. Where has the time gone? It must be that we were enjoying ourselves!
First Prize presented by : Eoai Keogh
Winner: Billy Ward 20pts.(23-3 prev.)(L6)
2nd. John Robinson 20 ” (L6)
3rd. Gerry Keating 20 ”
4th. Pat Meade 19 ” (L6)
5th. Sean O’Sullivan 19 ” (21-2 prev.)
The table plan for our Final Dinner is on Notice Board in club, so organise your group and book your table. Cost of meal( including wine or soft drink ) €25.00.
John Robinson
Convener Mondaynighters