Just an update on course works. Hollow coring took place on the week of the 7th of September. I went with a half inch core which resulted in a deeper core. This was followed with sand which, believe it or not , every green got three tons so far. I was hoping to do the tees as well but with the weather last week the team were playing catch up on cutting. We hope to do the tees next week.
The main benefits of hollow coring are
It relives compaction on the greens
It allows air to get into the greens.
Encourages the roots to go further down,
Takes out thatch and black layer in the soil,
The sand helps with the drainage.
It is also a perfect time for us to over seed the greens. All of which are essential for good root and grass growth.
If all goes well you will be glad to hear that we hope, all things been equal, that we will not have to Spring core in March as we usually did.
Darren Ward
Head Green Keeper.